Sam Horn - Intrigue

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thanks to the Boston Globe

Thanks to Cecil Johnson of Mcclatchy Newspapers for his favorable review of POP! in the Sept. 3, 2006 edition of the Boston Globe. His review, entitled Get to the Point of Your Pitch starts off,

"In the movie `Kill Bill,' David Carradine (Bill) is about to bop Uma Thurman (Beatrix Kiddo) with the business edge of a samurai sword when Thurman whops Carradine in the chest and stops him in mid-backswing.

In that instant, Thurman achieves what business consultant, trainer, and public speaker Sam Horn calls, in her new book, "POP!'

Beatrix gets Bill's attention. He pauses long enough to ask, before he takes his last five steps and drops:

`Pai Mei taught you the five-point palm exploding heart technique?'

Well, of course, that venerable martial-arts misogynist taught Kiddo that heart-stopping trickery. And in her book, Horn, a language-arts and marketing maven, is endeavoring to hand off to readers a technique for marketing products or services they have to offer.

The review (which can be accessed FREE at ends with saying that POP! ' . . . shows how almost anyone can find tools on the Internet to learn how to radiate something approximating POP.'

Johnson is right. ANYONE can coin a memorable phrase that helps their pitch and priority project POP! out of the pack -- and it's in your best interests to do just that because it turns people into good will ambassadors for your offering.

Think about it. The movie Jerry Maguire coined four iconic phrases that were repeated ad infinitum around the water cooler, “Show me the money,” “Help me help you,” “You complete me,” and “You had me at hello.”

I bet you remember Jack Nicholson confessing "You make me want to be a better man" to Helen Hunt in As Good as It Gets. Do you also recall Jack Nicholson barking, “You can’t handle the truth” to Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men? And how about Clint Eastwood’s snarled warning, “Make my day” and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s promise, “I’ll be back.”

In POP!, this is called a Money Phrase because it puts money in your pocket. If people can’t repeat anything from your book, website, speech, or movie, how can they recommend it to others? If they can't remember your business name, how can they contact you? We forfeit profits if we don't intentionally craft a phrase that gets repeated.

Catchy phrases create a tell-a-friend phenomenon that translates into cash. People “hear” the buzz about your project by word of mouth (or word of mouse) and are motivated to try/buy what you have to offer.

What’s one of your favorite Money Phrases from a book or movie? Did you like “I wish I knew how to quit you” from Brokeback Mountain? How about “Where did we go right?” from The Producers? Can you think of a product name or business slogan that was so intriguing it prompted you to check them out?

Submit your favorites and I’ll feature the best in an upcoming blog. Want to learn how to produce your own money phrase? Visit for FREE articles on how to coin pithy pitches that get your offering noticed, remembered, and bought.


At 3:11 PM , Blogger hellomynameisscott said...

Hey Sam, read your new book on the airplane this morning. It's fantastic. You sparked my creativity, as usual.


At 10:01 AM , Blogger Steve Halling said...

This review was what got me to pick up your book and read it. Among the thousands of books that come along on branding and messaging, it is refreshing to see one such as yours that simply makes sense.

Congratulations and great work.



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